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A showcase of my GitHub Pages-compatible Jekyll “plugins”.

For the full guide (usages, etc.), view the project on GitHub.

Table of Contents

Jekyll Admonitions

Converts markdown as follows:

Into the corresponding admonition boxes:

Jekyll Fancy Tables

Converts Markdown code like follows:

| Check out this _fancy_ :sparkles: table!                                               \\|
| Doe      | A deer, a female...                                             | Deer        |
| Oh wait, \ this cell spans two columns! Here's an orange :tangerine:       | Two rows!   |
| Four...  | Bananas forever :banana: :banana: :banana:                      | ^^          |
| ^^       | Oops, forgot one more :banana:                                  \             |
| Testing  | This is <strong>HTML bold</strong>, not markdown                | _center_    |
| This row would be center-aligned                                          \| Hello,      |
| ^^ Hey! How are you? :eyes:                                               \| ^^          |
| Sponge?  | Imagination :rainbow:  &#124; ( • ) ( • ) &#124; :rainbow:      | ^^ _world?_ |
| Thirteen | Some text I will break here,<br>and oh, it also has **markdown** styling!    \|
c LLL Lr LL L LLc cL   ll lR

To a table like follows:

Check out this fancy :sparkles: table!
Doe A deer, a female… Deer
Oh wait, this cell spans two columns! Here’s an orange :tangerine: Two rows!
Four… Bananas forever :banana: :banana: :banana:
Oops, forgot one more :banana:
Testing This is HTML bold, not markdown center
This row would be center-aligned
Hey! How are you? :eyes:
Sponge? Imagination :rainbow: | ( • ) ( • ) | :rainbow:
Thirteen Some text I will break here,
and oh, it also has markdown styling!


Converts your code blocks tagged with either the plantuml or puml language into the correspoding PlantUML diagram.